“Kisses from Katie” Shows How Much of a Difference Teenagers Can Make

I decided to watch part of this video with Katie Davis, widely known as “Kisses from Katie.” It was riveting enough to hold my attention for 55 minutes. If you aren’t familiar with her story, Katie decided to visit Uganda after graduating from high school. As a teenager, she found ways to make a difference with the orphan kids in the community. In her early twenties, she founded a ministry, fostered several orphans, and authored a book. Definitely, the time I spent with this extraordinary video will have a much more memorable impact than a typical TV show or sporting event:

If you just have time for 4 minute preview, here is a quick summary:

Meghan Vogel Decided to Help An Opponent Finish In Front of Herself During a State Championship Track Meet

Meghan Vogel won a national Sportsmanship award for helping an opponent, Arden McMath, cross the finish line ahead of her during a high school track meet in Ohio. One of the reasons I decided to include this 6 minute video is due to some commentary I’ve seen such as, “it restores my faith in teenagers.” There are several versions of this video, and all of them seem to average a 97% approval rating from viewers. We all appreciate stories whenever someone exhibits a selfless act of assistance, but teenagers seem to be especially inspirational when they put others first. Perhaps such stories will inspire us all to be a little more selfless:

Here is a follow-up article how Meghan’s Christian faith helped her remain humble afterwards, despite countless interviews from national media and more attention than she ever imagined:

High school runner puts Christ, others first in her life

Eric Metaxas Found Meaning in Life Through a Process of Examination

Eric Metaxas claims that someone who is searching for meaning in life should try examining God because they just might find answers to the big questions. However, following Christ isn’t always easy. Sometimes Christianity is uncomfortable, but a paradox is that joy can still be found in the midst of  hard times. Christianity will not necessarily make all your problems go away, but Eric’s view is worth considering in this 12 minute video:

Eric Metaxas Spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast in 2012 about the Difference Between Religiosity and Real Faith

Eric Metaxas is the esteemed author of biographies for Dietrich Bonhoeffer (“Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy”) and William Wilberforce (“Amazing Grace”) and Martin Luther (“The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World”). The theme of his 31 minute speech is “the difference between religion (or religiosity) and real faith.” He went to an Ivy League university (Yale). He was taught that it was wrong to take Jesus seriously and that religion is hopelessly divisive. He struggled with depression, but someone challenged him to pray. He wasn’t sure to whom or what to pray to. How ironic that he ended up speaking at a National Prayer Breakfast: