I didn’t know Brian Welch was because I wasn’t very familiar with the heavy-metal band, Korn. I just wasn’t interested in their music. However, someone convinced me to watch his Christian testimony, and it was pretty shocking. It’s the kind of video that can stick with you for a long time because Brian didn’t want anything to do with “goodie-goodie” religion, but he began to wonder if Jesus could be real. Time will tell how unforgettable it remains, but this 8 minute testimony is exceptional enough to be featured on Soul Extol:
Francis Chan Preaches Easter Sermon at the Hollywood Bowl
Francis Chan challenges those attending Easter at the Hollywood Bowl with an enlightening sermon that holds the audience attention with humor, anecdotes, truth, and the exposition of a mighty God. His message lasts 30 minutes, but this video is perfect for people who don’t like boring sermons.